The Importance of Concrete Remediation
Concrete is a remarkable construction material but it can degrade over time for a number of reasons. This can be due to; faulty design, poor placement or unintended use, environmental impacts, and chemical attack. Every concrete remediation situation is different and requires a specific approach. To determine the best method, the cause needs to be understood. Damaged Concrete Concrete is used to support the weight of structures and people and therefore needs to be strong. However, the concrete can suffer from damage due to factors such as exposure to the elements and poor concreting. If the damaged concrete is not remedied, it can affect the structural integrity of the structure and may lead to safety issues. To determine the extent of concrete damage, an engineer should conduct an assessment of the damage and how it impacts the service life of the structure. This includes determining the deterioration rate of the existing concrete and identifying how much of the structure require...